
Hi, I am Ellen from The Laser Shack! Back in 2014 I started laser cutting and engraving as a way to get back on my feet after my recovery from breast-cancer. A gorgeous business in Breda (The Netherlands) took me under their wing and showed me all the bits an bobs, while I build them a website.

When my partner Amelia and I moved to Australia, we finally had the funds to invest in my own laser machine! We upgraded the rat-ridden shack in the backyard to a perfect little workshop. The Trotec Rayjet machine took up more than a quarter of the space but working from home was ideal!

After a few years of selling at markets and the OmMade Meet the Maker shop, the backyard shack was getting a bit too small and we moved everything to a workshop in Magill. I still happily work from there even-though we since moved to Hawthorndene.

Our workshop in Magill
How it started in our backyard shack in 2018